Flowers, trees and food (TWW staples)

An interesting choice of window box flowers, these tall lilies, don’t you think? They made me stop and smile on my lunchtime walk this week.

Here are some other pretty flowers..firstly our beautiful blue hydrangeas out the front. They are growing FAST!

Some pretty specimens around our local estate.

I’m loving this rich, deep purple.

The rain is pouring down now while we are cosy inside the house. We managed a nice walk in Windsor Great Park just now with only a few raindrops. We were 🍀 lucky.

I always love the big old oaks in Windsor Great Park. This one has some heavy duty supports to keep it from falling over onto the path.

Mushrooms… do not eat!

I love this tree’s face. I gave it a big hug!

Last, but not least, I want to tell you about last night’s meal. We went to Roux at Skindles, which is a brasserie restaurant in Maidenhead owned by the Roux brothers. It’s in the building that used to be Skindles nightclub, by the river next to Maidenhead Bridge. I think the prices had gone up a bit since last time we were there, but we didn’t really mind as everything was so delicious, immaculately presented and the service was excellent. Highly recommended.

After cocktails of Kir Royale for David and Mojito for me, together with some yummy bread and butter, we both started off with the goat’s cheese soufflé. OMG this was so good! We were in starter heaven. We would definitely have this again.

We then were served our tasty bottle of Viognier wine. The main course was also exceptional. I’m sorry I didn’t photograph it for you, I was too busy gobbling it all up! We both had the lamb cannon with spinach and dauphinoise potato. Delicious. The lamb was already sliced into thick slices, perfectly cooked, so tender. It was locally sourced British lamb. You’ll just have to imagine that. Clean plates.

From my seat at the table I could view the chefs in the kitchen as well as the view of the river and Maidenhead Bridge. The waitress told me this is her favourite seat. The restaurant was not that busy as I think many were at home watching the football. I know where I’d rather be!

Then for pudding, David opted for vanilla ice cream and at his request they made him a chocolate sauce to go with it that was not on the menu. I had the millefeuille with strawberry sorbet. It was all good but the sorbet was exquisite.

If I went again, I’d like to try the chocolate crème brûlée with coconut ice cream. Sounds great.

Off to prepare tea and cake now my friends. There’s no tennis to watch but Wimbledon will be back on tomorrow, yippee can’t wait! 🙂 Xx

Published by thewindsorwaffle

I love food and cooking (and eating). I live in Windsor, Berkshire with my husband David.

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