Windsor Great Park (again!)

I admit this has not been the best of weekends. It was not terrible but I felt a bit depressed. I think it was probably a reaction to the week I had and the pressured return to work after my holiday. Hopefully this week will be better.

So for today, I’ll show you a few pictures from our walk this afternoon in Windsor Great Park. This part of the park is usually fairly quiet. Today it was crowded with families and push chairs, screaming children etc. We could not park anywhere near the gates. I guess not many have gone away for half term, they are staying local. The roads have also been very busy around Windsor/Maidenhead this weekend as the M4 was closed again for building the smart motorway. It was sunny when we arrived for the walk, but we got caught in a shower on the way back. Luckily I was wearing a showerproof, hooded coat, but poor David was not and he got a bit wet.

The light at the end of the tunnel… the pale, bright yellow leaves at the end are on a tulip tree, one of my favourite trees in the park.

The cows were not sitting down… the showers must have taken them by surprise too.

Moody clouds, moody Gail…

I was looking for autumnal colour, but most of the trees were still green. Just a small patch of colour here. You can’t hurry nature!

Amazing sky today.

A strip of fire (sun).

House at the bottom of the clouds…

Autumn leaves..I love autumn leaves on the ground. I don’t understand this obsession with clearing them up all the time.

So that’s about it for today. I hope you are all looking after yourselves and having some self love. I got a surprise earlier in the week when eating my Weetabix (well, Essential Waitrose equivalent) for breakfast when I looked down to see…a heart in my bowl!

Sending you all good vibes and heart-shaped cereal experiences. Back for (hopefully) more jolly chit chat on Tuesday xxx.

Published by thewindsorwaffle

I love food and cooking (and eating). I live in Windsor, Berkshire with my husband David.

6 thoughts on “Windsor Great Park (again!)

  1. It’s been a funny old weekend. Seeing all my friends and family in Caerphilly head into national lockdown; even my most positive and cheery friend says everything is very bleak 😞.

    No National Trust walk for us today; we weren’t quite certain if walking plans with friends would work out so we missed the booking cut off. A few miles over Hankley Common blew away the cobwebs though. Interesting trivia/history – on the common is a huge concrete wall built in WW2 for troops to practice the D-Day landings …. here’s hoping we all have a better week xxxx

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